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NabLab language

Module and extensions

A NabLab file, extension n, defines a module or an extension.


module Glace2d;

A module represents a NabLab program and its definition strictly follows the following sequence:

  • Imports
  • Reductions
  • Functions
  • Variables
  • Time iterators
  • Jobs

A module is generally associated with a NabLab application. Several modules can also be composed into a single application: see module composition documentation.


extension Math;

An extension is a way to extend the language with external functions.

Its definition strictly follows the following sequence:

  • Imports
  • Reductions
  • Functions

Functions of an extension can be called from a NabLab module. To use an extension X, a module has to import the extension with the instruction with X.*; (see below).

Extensions provide external functions, i.e. functions with no NabLab body. Those functions are implemented in an another language, generally C or C++. To link NabLab function declaration to its native definition, providers have to be defined: see NabLab extension providers for details.

The extension and extension provider mechanisms are the way to call legacy libraries from NabLab applications.


NabLab library provides a mathematical extension containing the sum(∑), prod(∏), Min and Max reductions and the usual mathematical functions (sin, cos, √...).

Linear algebra extension

linearalgebra extension LinearAlgebra;

A linear algebra extension is an extension with no reductions, only functions. Moreover, functions' arguments of type real[x] and real[x, x] will be respectively interpreted as vector and matrix.


NabLab library provides a linear algebra extension containing some Ax=B functions to solve linear systems.

Mesh extension

mesh extension CartesianMesh2D;

This kind of extension defines the interface of a mesh library.

Its definition strictly follows the following sequence:

  • Item types
  • Connectivities

The syntax of item types and connectivities is described below.


NabLab library provides a mesh extension containing the signature of a 2D cartesian mesh used by NabLab examples.


The with keyword allows to import NabLab extensions, libraries of reductions and functions external to the module.

NabLab provides two native extensions: Math and Linear Algebra (follow the link to see the available functions and reductions).

To use them in your own module, just create an import section as follow:

module ImplicitHeatEquation;

with Math.*;
with LinearAlgebra.*;

Item types and connectivities

Items are elements of a set, typically mesh elements. The various types of items are defined in a set.

itemtypes { node, cell, face }


Sets are surrounded by curly brackets and separated by a comma.

A connectivity declaration id defined by a name, its inputs items and an output item or a set of output items.

connectivity {node} nodes();                 // mesh nodes
connectivity {cell} cells();                 // mesh cells
connectivity {face} faces();                 // mesh faces
connectivity {cell} neighbourCells(cell);    // neighbor cells of a cell
connectivity {node} nodesOfFace(face);       // nodes of a face
connectivity {node} nodesOfCell(cell);       // nodes of a cell
connectivity face commonFace(cell , cell);   // common face of two cells

NabLab provides Java and C++ mesh libraries. They implement the above connectivities. You can also use yous own library. A documentation will be available shortly.

Reductions and functions


Reductions are defined by their name, neutral element (seed of the reduction) and type corresponding to the type of their arguments and also their return type. They can be overloaded: it is possible to create multiple reductions with same name and different type.

red real prod(1.0) (a, b) : return a * b;
red <x> real[x] prod(1.0) (a, b) : return a * b;


Functions are defined by their name, input arguments, return type and body. They can be overloaded: it is possible to create multiple functions with same name and different input arguments. Function's body is a unique instruction or a block of instructions. It cannot refer to global variables. That is the reason why functions are declared before variables.

def int one() : return 1;         // function with no in arg

def int inc(int a) : return a+1;       // overloaded function inc on int
def real inc(real a) : return a+1.0;  // overloaded function inc on real

def <x> real dot(real[x] a, real[x] b)
    let real result = 0.0;
    forall i in [0;x[,
        result = result + a[i]*b[i];
    return result;

In an extension, functions can be external, without body definition. In this case the definition of an extension provider allows to call a native function (C, C++...). This mechanism allows to use legacy libraries, like linear algebra libraries.


External functions, i.e. functions with no body, are not allowed in modules, only in extensions.

Global variables

Global variables are defined by their type, name and eventually one or several supports representing the connectivity on which the variable lives.


UTF-8 characters for variable names are not supported (for example δt, rho...).

The type of the variable is one of the 3 NabLab base types: boolean, integer or real. It can be scalar or array. Arrays are defined by giving a comma separated list of sizes between brackets.


NabLab text editor offers a contextual code completion.

bool is_ok;                            // boolean
int i, j;                              // integers
real t, δt;                            // reals
real[2] x;                             // 1 dimension real array
real[2, 2] xx;                         // 2 dimensions real array
real[2] X{nodes};                      // array of 2 reals on each node
real[2, 2] Ajr{cells, nodesOfCell};    // 2x2 matrix on each node of each cell

Multiple variables can be declared in the same instruction into a comma separated list.

real t, delta_t;
real c{cells}, m{cells}, p{cells};

A variable initialized with a default value is preceded by the let keyword. It is not possible to assign several variables in one definition. A variable with no default value and not set in the module is considered as a user's option: its value has to be set by the final user in a Json data file.

let real gamma = 3.0;                  // real scalar
let real[2] N = [0.0, 1.0];            // 1 dimension real array
let real[2, 2] N = [ [0.0, 1.0], N ];  // 2 dimensions real array
let int[2,2] I = [ [1, 0], [0, 1] ];   // 2 dimensions int array

Time iterators

The iterate section is used to define time iterators and the stop conditions of their time loop.

// definition of time iterator n
iterate n while (residual > epsilon);

Variables can be referenced with defined iterators. In the above example defining a n time iterator, a variable can be referenced at n=0, n and n+1. A variable named t can be referenced like this: t^{n=0}, t^{n} and t^{n+1}.


For the moment, only the +1 increment of the iterator is allowed.

It is possible to define several time iterators into a comma separated list: the iterator of index k+1 is then nested into the iterator of index k.

// definition of time iterators n and k.
iterate n while (t^{n+1} < stopTime && n+1 < maxIterations),
        k while (residual > epsilon && check(k+1 < maxIterationsK));

In case of several iterators, variables can be referenced by a list of defined time iterators, respecting the order of inclusion. In the above example defining n and k inside n, a variable can be referenced by n=0, n, n+1, n+1, k=0, n+1, n, and n+1, k+1. Variable named t can be referenced like this: t^{n=0}, t^{n}, t^{n+1}, t^{n+1, k=0}, t^{n+1, k}, t^{n+1, k+1}.

It is also possible to define a block of inner iterators to define several loops included in a main time loop.

iterate n while (t^{n+1} < maxTime && n+1 < maxIter), { 
    k while (k+1 < maxIterK);
    l while (l+1 < maxIterL);

In the above example defining n, k inside n and l inside n, a variable can be referenced by n=0, n, n+1 and either n+1, k=0, n+1, n, n+1, k+1 or n+1, l=0, n+1, l, n+1, l+1. A variable named t can be referenced like this: t^{n=0}, t^{n}, t^{n+1} and either t^{n+1, k=0}, t^{n+1, k}, t^{n+1, k+1} or t^{n+1, l=0}, t^{n+1, l}, t^{n+1, l+1}.


For a time iterator n, if a variable is initialized at n=0, NabLab automatically initializes n with n=0 value of the variable at the beginning of the time loop and with n+1 value during loop iterations.


Jobs are identified by a name, starting with an upper case. They are composed of an instruction, or a block of instructions.

Ini: j = 0;
IniTime: t^{n=0} = 0.0;
ComputeDensity: forall j in cells(), rho{j} = m{j} / V{j};

The execution of a NabLab program does not start at its beginning and jobs execution order does not correspond to their position in the file. During the compilation phase, the data flow graph of the program is computed according to input and output variables of each job. Jobs are annotated with an at statement corresponding to its hierarchical logical time (HLT). The HLT concept is explicitly expressed to go beyond the classical single-program-multiple-data or bulk-synchronous-parallel programming models. The at logical timestamp explicitly declares the task-based parallelism of jobs.

However, this way to schedule jobs imposes to have a dedicated tool to visualize the graph representing the program execution. This feature has been developed and integrated into the NabLab environment (see getting started documentation for details).


The main instructions of the language are: local variable and set definitions, affectations, blocks, loops, conditionals. An instruction ends with the ; character except blocks surrounded by curly brackets.

Local variables and set definitions

Local variables can be defined with the same syntax than global ones but local definitions include no variables with supports.

Set of items can be defined locally by calling a connectivity, like this:

set my_cells = cells();


An affectation is composed of a variable reference, the = character and an expression.

rho_ic = rhoIniZg;
t^{n=0} = 0.0;
N = [0.0, 1.0];
Cjr_ic{j,r} = 0.5 * perp(X^{n=0}{r+1} - X^{n=0}{r-1});


A block is a list of instructions. It follows the Composite Design Pattern: The block is an instruction and contains itself a list of instructions. The block is surrounded with curly brackets.

    rho_ic = rhoIniZd;
    p_ic = pIniZd;


NabLab provides two instructions for loops: while and forall.

The while is composed of a condition, which is an expression, and an instruction that can be a block.

while (t^{n} < 5.0) x = 0;
while (residual > epsilon) {
    alpha = 1.0 / det(a);
    I = [ [1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0] ];

The forall loop provides two kinds of iteration blocks: interval and space iterators.

Interval are going from 0 to n-1 with n an integer result of an expression.

forall i in [0;5[, x = 0;
forall i in [0;x+4[, {
    beta = i * a;
    A = [i, 0];

Space iterators allows to loop on connectivity sets.

// loop on cells
forall j in cells(),
    rho{j} = m{j} / V{j};

// loop on topNodes
forall r in topNodes(), {
    let real[2] N = [0.0, 1.0];
    let real[2,2] NxN = tensProduct(N,N);
    let real[2,2] IcP = I - NxN;
    bt{r} = matVectProduct(IcP, b{r});

// loop on cells with a reduction on nodesOfCell
forall j in cells(),
    V{j} = 0.5 * sum{r in nodesOfCell(j)}(dot(C{j,r}, X^{n}{r}));

// loop on cells and inner loop on nodesOfCell
forall j in cells(), forall r in nodesOfCell(j),
    Ajr{j,r} = ((rho{j} * c{j}) / l{j,r}) * tensProduct(C{j,r}, C{j,r});

It is possible to define a loop iterator counter viewed as an integer local variable.

forall j, ij  in cells(),
    rho{j} = V{j} * ij;


Conditionals are defined with the classical if, else sequence. The condition in the if instruction is an expression, like for the while instruction. The else clause is optional.

if (center[0] < xInterface) {
    rho_ic = rhoIniZg;
    p_ic = pIniZg;
} else {
    rho_ic = rhoIniZd;
    p_ic = pIniZd;


Expressions are composed of the following elements:

  • Unary operators minus - and not !
  • Binary operators add +, substract -, multiply *, divide / and modulo %
  • Comparison operators greater than >, greater than or equal >=, less than <, less than or equal <=, equal ==, not equal !=
  • Boolean operators and && and or ||
  • Contracted if operator (condition) ? true : false
  • Min and max constants for integer and real base types: int.MinValue, int.MaxValue, real.MinValue, real.MaxValue
  • Array initializations by comma separated list of expressions between brackets, for example [1, 2+3, -5] for int[3], [ [1.1, 1.2], [2.1, 2.2], [3.1, 3.2] ] for real[3,2]
  • Argument/variable references and reduction/function calls detailed below.

Arguments and variable references

Function arguments and variables are referenced by their name that can be followed by:

  • A list of time iterators surrounded by the ^{ } and separated by a comma: t^{n+1}, t^{n+1, k}
  • For variables with a support, a list of space iterators surrounded by the { } and separated by a comma: P{j}, Ajr{j, r}. Iterators are defined by loops and reductions. Iterators can have an increment, like X{r+1} or X{r-1}, to access the item before or after the original iterator in the set where it is defined.
  • For arrays, a list of indices surrounded by [ ] and separated by a comma: X[0], Y[i, 0]. Indices are expressions.

Reduction and function calls

A reduction call includes an iteration on a set or interval, like for a space iterator loop, and an expression of the type of the reduction. For example, to compute the sum of a real variable P defined on cells, the call includes the cells set iterator and the variable reference P{j}:

let real sum = sum{j in cells()}(P{j});

A function call is defined by the name of the function and the right number and type of input arguments as expressions:

let real my_cos = cos(3.14 + 3.14);